Resolving Performance Issues for Latvia’s Top Job Portal

Aivis Brodins
Aivis Brodins
CEO of CV-Online Latvia LTD
“It’s not always possible to find a reliable, cooperative partner straight away; therefore we started to work with Arkbauer on small project. After our first project Arkbauer proved to be reliable experts in software development, who we can trust not to cause any headaches.”

Web portal is one of Latvia’s leading job search engines and aggregators displaying more than 20,000 job ads every day. enables job seekers to search for vacancies posted on thousands of websites all in one convenient location. Employers can also advertise jobs directly on the site.

The Challenge

Tasked with processing tens of thousands of job ads daily, the website started to suffer performance issues that negatively impacted on the user experience. Our task was to analyse the system and suggest ways to resolve these performance issues.

Understanding the Background

To provide the best analysis, we wanted to understand the original system requirements and review the current architecture. Basic requirement study documents helped us understand the main features found in the system. However, no documents related to the system architecture existed. Instead, we explored the source code and site itself to reveal the underlying architectural design.

Technology Stack and Hardware

The system is built using Symfony 2.1 running on Nginx with PHP 5.4. It used MySQL 5.5 for data storage and Sphinx as a search engine. All this was running on a single CentOS Linux server with 6x cores and 12GB RAM.

First Steps and Early Results

First we tried to profile the system and find the bottlenecks with a limited amount of data. This proved very hard as the code available under VCS was different from that running in the production environment and staging. We also found that some parts of the code were just not working at all.

We were given access to the production server so we were able to analyse its load, memory and CPU consuming processes. At this point it was already clear that the main issue came from SQL queries as the mysqld process was utilizing more than 400% of the server’s CPU with relatively small numbers of visitors browsing the site.

Given the fact that the same server was being used as a staging server with several site instances, it was not clear whether the database related issues were the key problem. So, next we decided to perform profiling in the production environment. We used Facebook’s XHProf profiler to find bottlenecks in the system. Due to the fact that profiling itself adds an additional 10% overhead performing calculations and collecting data, we enabled it only for our own IP address leaving actual site visitors unaffected.

The very first profiled search request results confirmed our findings – more than 90% of the time taken to generate a response was spent performing queries. We profiled other site sections as well and they all showed pretty much the same results.

Main Issue Found, Let’s Dig Deeper

So we found the main bottleneck, what next? First, we enabled MySQL slow query log. We configured it to log all queries that take longer than 3 seconds to execute even though it’s considered best practice to have queries executing in less than 0.1 seconds. We gave slow query log 24 hours before analysingthe slow queries and making some assumptions. In the meanwhile we analysed other parts of the system to provide an overall picture.

1. The Software


As of 26th February 2016 PHP 5.4 was used, which is around a year after support ceased by the PHP development team.

  • Security vulnerabilities (financial losses, damaged reputation, etc.).
  • Issues maintaining an outdated system.
  • Performance limitations.

Suggestion: migrate to PHP 7

  • Stable long term support from the PHP community (security updates and fixes, new features and performance improvements).
  • Modern software solution.
  • Significant performance improvement – PHP 7 is benchmarked to be 2-4x faster than PHP5.


As of 26th February 2016, Symfony 2.1 was used, which has not been supported since November 2013.

  • Security vulnerabilities (financial losses, damaged reputation, etc.).
  • Issues maintaining an outdated system.
  • Performance limitations.
  • Migrate to Symfony3.
  • Update 3rd party libraries.
  • Stable long term support from the Symfony community (security updates and fixes, new features and performance improvements).
  • Modern software solution.

Poor Quality Source Code and Description

Problems identified:
  • There are sections in original project specification that do not represent the actual implementation.
  • There is no original or current architecture document.
  • Code quality.
  • PHP Standards Recommendations are not met in the majority of the source code.
  • Part of the code is written using a procedural programming approach.
  • Code is insufficiently commented or not commented at all.
  • Git VCS is being used, however, some parts of the code in the production environment are modified directly on the server – corresponding changes are not found in VCS.
  • Different Git branches are being used for demo and production environments, and both have changes that other does not have.

2. The Hardware

CentOS Linux server with 6x cores and 12GB RAM is enough to handle the expected load. However, the current website’s setup is utilizing almost all the server’s resources (see image below) with even small numbers of visitors.

Database and SQL Queries

As of 26th February 2016, MySQL 5.5.43 has been used and is currently supported and maintained.

After profiling we concluded that performance issues are directly related to the database and its queries.

The MySQL database process utilizes more than 400% of server’s CPU capacity when its maximum is 100% * 6 (number of cores) = 600%. For optimal system performance 1/3 of the server’s resources should be reserved (not used) for high load peaks.

We enabled MySQL slow query log feature to capture SQL queries executing for more than 3 seconds. In 24 hours there were 69,000 such queries captured. The majority of those were queries related to search keyword statistics that take 1.5 to 2.1 minutes to execute.

Analysing the most time consuming queries we concluded that they include search e.g. “LIKE ‘tu%’”. MySQL database is not suitable for search related operations. Nowadays dedicated search engines are being used for such tasks, especially for Full Text Search needs.

  • Optimize SQL queries.
  • Set database indexes for all tables accordingly.
  • Use dedicated search engine to perform searches.
Suggested search engines that support incremental data indexing:
Migrate to the latest stable MariaDB version:
  • It’s 100% compatible with MySQL.
  • It offers a 10-20% performance boost without changing SQL queries.
Configure the database:
  • We suggested a tool like MySQLTuner which can provide recommendations.
  • Pay attention to and adjust values accordingly to query_cache_size and innodb_buffer_pool_size parameters.
Additional suggestions:
  • Always keep the MySQL slow query log feature enabled and optimize slow queries accordingly.
  • The database, Sphinx search engine and application itself currently run on the same server, therefore we suggest using socket file when connecting to the database from PHP and Sphinx; currently connection is made over an IP and port.
  • Improve database architecture based on business requirements.
  • Pay attention to database table normalization (3NF).
  • Replace Sphinx with a search engine that provides incremental data indexing e.g. Algolia or Elasticsearch. Doing so will decrease the load on the database. Currently Sphinx re-indexes all data every 30 minutes using very complex and slow queries.
  • Cache dynamic data using Redis or Memcached tools.
  • Use HTTP level caching. Symfony framework itself has a built in mechanism for this purpose.
  • Use a caching proxy server such as Apache Traffic ServerSquid or Varnish.
  • Separate country specific data into dedicated databases. It will reduce the size of the database and SQL query execution time.
  • Do not use the production server for demo purposes. Use a dedicated server for each environment.
  • Use profiling tools during development to avoid performance losses.
  • Monitor the production environment using tools to identify issues on the fly and keep track of the system’s general performance.


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